It’s 11:11…Make a Wish!


It’s 11:11 a.m. and I just made a wish. I didn’t wish for money, or for love, or for fame. I didn’t even wish for myself. I wished that my coworker Lexi would find the file that she lost on her computer this morning. Almost every morning at this time I make a wish for someone else. I feel like it’s the little things in life that cause the big changes we long to see, and maybe this little wish will be the impetus for someones big change.
Another little way that I send out love for someone else is to pray when I hear a siren. The way I figure it, if I hear a siren it’s either a police cruiser or an emergency vehicle, and it cannot be going anywhere that fast for a good thing. I send out a little prayer for whoever is involved in the incident as well as the officer, paramedic, or firefighter responding. I believe strongly in the power of prayer and its effects. I’ve seen nothing but good come of a prayer, and it can’t hurt to try.
Although I’d like to say that these wishes and prayers for others are a purely altruistic endeavor, I feel that I am the one who benefits. When I’ve made that wish and said that prayer, a feeling of peace comes over me, and for just a moment I feel like I’ve made a difference in the world. Sometimes I find out later that my wish for someone has come true, and most of the time I will never know, but I feel good all the same.
So, take a moment today and make a wish for someone else or say a prayer for a stranger in distress. You never know if someone is doing the same for you. I’m hoping that maybe today I’ll be rewarded and hear that Miss Lexi has found her missing file!