The Lie

Pinpointing my first lie would likely bring us straight to me as a child with telltale face and hands covered in chocolate vehemently denying ever so much as laying eyes on said chocolate. As a child, my experience with lying centered on the benign. No, I did not hit my brother. No, I did not just say a four-letter word rhyming with truck. No, I did not sneak in the basement window past my curfew. They were white lies spun in childhood self-preservation really.

If we move forward to the lies that start to matter, we hit the jackpot. It was the lie I started telling myself as a very young adult that became the biggest and what I consider my first; the lie that I was fundamentally happy. 

At this point it is probably necessary to define what “fundamentally happy” means to me, as I am sure that it is different for each person. To me, fundamentally happy is joy in the absence of drama. When I say drama I mean anything that might upset my daily routine. There have been times when disruption meant something as simple as the wrong sideways look from the barista who serves my coffee.  More frequently disruption is a failed relationship or a loss of perceived love. But, I digress…

Back to joy in the absence of drama. It started as what I believe to be little lies not unlike the ones we covered from my childhood. No, that boy with the stunning green eyes and the charming southern drawl did not mean that much to me. No, it does not bother me one bit that I am a few pounds overweight. Somehow they grew to monumental proportions. Yes, it is okay that you no longer want to live with me. Of course I don’t mind that your romantic love for me has cooled to a distant memory and a somewhat fond friendship.

The bigger the lies became, the more elaborate the façade I was forced to manage. After all, I am the sunny girl with the ever-present smile. I am the one you know you can come to in time of crisis and I will set your world right-side-up again. I am outwardly quick to laugh and slow to despair.

In the end I know that all lies are revealed and the truth is meant to set you free, yet I continue to live this lie every day. Slowly I allow people to see the fractures in my shield of happiness. Close friends know that all is not sunshine and rainbows and thanks to the internet and the intimate world of blogging, complete strangers see my more sullen side.

It is my dream that someday life starts to add up and my façade becomes my reality. No longer will it be an untruth that I am fundamentally happy. Someday sunshine and rainbows will reign again. After all, we make our own truths. In this case, my truth will be born from this enduring lie that I live.

I guess that thought in itself may also be a lie.

My Name is Riki, and I am a Sports Fan.

My name is Riki, and I am a sports fan.

Not a casual, oh-the-game-is-on-in-the-other-room-while-I-cook-dinner type of supporter, but a stop-everything-and-sit-down-to-yell-at-the-officials-and-cheer-on-my-team-no-matter-what devotee. Recently someone who calls themselves a friend attacked me via Facebook post (cowardly if you ask me) and said this: “Some people are too emotional. They are athletes. Paid to play. You have no real connection with them, but being a fan you feel as if you do.

Well, no shit, mister. Yes, “my boys” are athletes paid to play, but I’m willing to bet that they started out as a child with a big dream and got to be where they are now through hard work and talent. No real connection to them? I’d say that the average 42,000 folks who show up to each game have a very real connection that you could only dream of having with some of your closest friends. It is my pleasure and I am honored to support my state and the economy is supporting someone who has followed their dreams by utilizing hard work and discipline.

The whole exchange got me to thinking, what is a “sports fan” really? Wikipedia (yes, I understand this is not an authorized academic source, but this is a blog, not a term paper) states, “A sports fan can be an enthusiast for a particular athlete, team, sport, or all of organized sports as a whole.” They go on to say, “The mentality of the sports fan is often such that they will experience a game or event while living vicariously through players or teams whom the fan favors.” I like that definition; living vicariously. Yes, that is what I am doing.

I am definitely one of those enthusiasts who follow their teams with fervor. Once on a first date I excused myself to the ladies room to watch the end of a game that meant nothing in the long run of the season on my smart phone in the bathroom and ended up being in there so long I had to blame “stomach problems.” On another occasion I contemplated pushing my date out the door of my moving vehicle when he asked me to turn off the scratchy AM coverage of the World Series on the radio. I mean, seriously. There would be no second date after that bullshit. (Note to self: Must start dating men who enjoy sports).

Today I would like to share with you things I believe true sports fans do; things they are proud to do. Feel free to add to this list as you like.

Real fans buy team jerseys and wear them in public, even in the offseason. I am a fan year-round and am proud to show it. I wear my team logos and jerseys out in public, and not just to a game. Since when is fandom limited to the confines of the stadium?

Real fans cheer for their team- all of the time. Win or lose, you will find me cheering on my teams and living each moment as if we might pull that game out. A real fan cheers for their team, especially when they are stinking it up out there. Does your team have a 100-year (or more) drought for a championship? Then you ought to be the more avid of fans and cheer them on even more! (Just think how much sweeter your next one will be when you’ve supported them all along). It’s easy to be a fan when your team is on top; it is real to be a fan no matter what.

Real fans know that trash-talk should be good-natured. Do you hate my favorite team? Great! Tell me all about how much you hate them and all of the reasons why we are going to lose against your own team. However, leave my mother and my dangling body parts out of it. I belong to a fantasy football league in which the men are constantly berating the mother or penis of the others and I’m finding it to be ineffectual. The best conversations and smack-talk exchanges leave moms and dangling bits out.

Real fans do not boo their own team- ever. I cannot think of a reason why I would ever boo my own home team, and I dare you to change my mind with a reason why it would be constructive to do so.

So, there you have it. My name is Riki, and I am a true sports fan.

Music to Live By

Since today is World Smile Day, I have decided to make this post about something that makes me smile the most, and that is music. For those of you who know me, I have always been a little on the obsessed side with anything musical. I blame my parents for this since I grew up in a home where music was constantly being played. My parents have eclectic musical tastes and I was exposed early to everything from classical to 70s rock to 80s hair bands as a child. I would come out of the bedroom rubbing my sleepy eyes and asking for more Fleetwood Mac please. When I was in elementary school I saw the high school band come perform in our cafeteria/auditoium/gymnasium and knew upon first sight that I wanted to play the flute. That dream came true, and I have now been playing for over twenty years.

As the years have gone by, I have turned to music as a soundtrack to my own life. The words and melodies of countless composers and artists have played as a background to my life story. I would like to share a few of my current favorites with you here. Please allow me to take you on a bit of a musical journey.


In my adult life I have been lucky enough to have had wonderful male companions, but don’t think I have ever found actual true love. I’m in no hurry, mind you and have faith that the right man will step into my life when we are ready for each other, but of course I daydream about it. The first song I will share is “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5. It’s my tribute to yearning for love. (If the man of my dreams should happen to come along in the form of Adam Levine that would be okay too).


Everyone needs a song in life that boosts their self-esteem. It is a song that makes a girl feel more beautiful, a boy feel empowered, and anyone feel uplifted. When I need that type of boost I go immediately to my recording of Jimmy Eat World’s “The Middle.” The tune is upbeat and catchy enough that I can carry it with me all day, and the words are inspiring.


Another song that everyone needs on their personal soundtrack is a dance tune. At this time in my life, when I need to dance (or belt out a song in the shower for that matter) my go-to is Lady Gaga. I spent a good few hours looking at all of her videos and listening to songs before I finally came up with one of my favorites. Is she a bit on the strange side? Indeed, she is. Is she also motivating, tolerant, and uplifting? Yes, she is! The song I go to lately to shake things up a bit is “Edge of Glory.” I dare you not to dance and sing along.


On my personal soundtrack are lots of upbeat songs that motivate me to move my body. They are on a special mix on my iPod that I take with me when I’m training for the half-marathon or working out. One song that makes me want to shake my bootie and get moving along is Justin Timberlake’s SexyBack. I know it’s not the fastest beat in the world, but the song makes me want to be sexy, and working out is my path to that (very long-term) goal! **WARNING: Adult lyrics and video**


Finally, my personal soundtrack needs a song I can reminisce to. I enjoy my pastime of relishing in my beautiful memories, and I have found a song that takes me back to a point in my life in which I was extremely happy and felt light and carefree. The song itself, by one of my favorite bands, The Killers, is not particularly uplifting, but it evokes a feeling that fills me with nostalgia for a simpler time in my life. The song is “Mr. Brightside.”

Thank you for sharing in a few moments of musical joy! OF course time and space could never allow me to share all of the songs on my life’s soundtrack, but this is a select few that well represent the rest!

What songs are on your personal soundtrack?

5 Reasons Why I Love This Day

5 Reasons Why I Love This Day:

1.) It is not 100 degrees outside.

In fact, it is a blissful, cool 66 degrees this fall evening after a gorgeous 75 degree day of overcast loveliness. I love October in Arizona when we finally have the last of those 100+ degree days that have plagued us during the interminable summer.

 2.) There is playoff baseball on the television.

Right now the dreadful (in my own humble opinion) New York Yankees are battling the Detroit Tigers for a chance to play in the Major League Baseball American League Championship Series, and I am cheering along with all of the Yankees-haters in this nation from the comfort of my living room couch. October brings playoff baseball, and today I am enjoying it wholeheartedly.

I am in a state of joyful anticipation waiting for my home team Arizona Diamondbacks to take their own turn at a Game 5 in the baseball playoffs tomorrow night against the Milwaukee Brewers. Even though the game is not going on now, I am reveling in the pregame fun of Facebook and Twitter feeds that are predicting every moment and outcome. I love the way the fans in Arizona have come together in a campaign of #WhyNotUs. Indeed, why not? Tomorrow is our chance to show the world why we are a contending team, and I simply cannot wait.

3.) I am reaching my goals.

Today I took steps forward in reaching my personal goals. I attended my regularly scheduled personal training session and had a kick-ass workout. I also followed my new food plan to perfection for the fourth day in a row. Baby steps, you say? Yes, but steps in the right direction. Too often I jump forward and seek the end result without doing the work required to get there, but today I made small strides towards enhancing my life.

Also on the goals front, I am posting a blog post for the 6th day in a row. That is a huge step towards my commitment to do something creative every day.

4.) I have wonderful friends by my side.

Today I was able to connect with friends in person and virtually via Facebook. I had a friendly sports argument with a dear friend, drank delicious coffee and chatted aimlessly with another and helped a third work out a life issue. Today I was blessed to have all of them in my life. They made me feel both loved and significant in this world.

I was also able to connect with new friends through amazing blogging communities. Thanks to the Internet, I have been able to reach out and support other artists and fellow individuals who struggle in the same way that I do, and have realized the rewards of their support in return.

5.) Tomorrow is a new day.

Finally, I love this day because it is nearly over and tomorrow offers fresh opportunities for growth and success. For all of the forward movement of today, there is more to come tomorrow and I am eager to greet the day and its endless possibilities.


Why do you love today?


“If you Don’t Have a Smile…I’ll Give you One of Mine!”

I have my own personal quote that I often use as a tagline. It is a bit of a motto actually, and is something I have been saying since I was in junior high school. I use it on all of my personal profiles and have been known to make homemade buttons and signs that display the following words:

“If you don’t have a smile…I’ll give you one of mine!”

It is something I try to remember when I see someone on the street whether friend or stranger, and I can’t even begin to count how many times giving someone a simple friendly smile had yielded one in return. (It has also yielded me a raised middle finger accompanied by the scowl of all scowls, but I am choosing to ignore that response).  

For today’s post I have decided to go with a bit of inspiration. I absolutely love to read, and am constantly highlighting passages and dog-earing pages of books that have quotes or lines that I love. I would like to share a few of my favorites with you today.

 Miss Riki’s Favorite Quotes on Happiness:

Happiness and the idea of being happy is one of my favorite subjects, and the following quotes never fail to bring a smile to my face and increase my own joy. I hope you find a gem here to make you smile as well!

“I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day.” – E. B. White

“Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”  – Abraham Lincoln

“The Constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness.  You have to catch it yourself.”  -Author unknown, although Commonly attributed to Benjamin Franklin


Miss Riki’s Favorite Quotes on Love:

Who doesn’t love to love, and these quotes are among my little darlings.

“A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech when words become superfluous.” -Ingrid Bergman

“A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and enkindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy.” -George Jean Nathan

“Before I met my husband, I’d never fallen in love. I’d stepped in it a few times.” -Rita Rudner


Miss Riki’s Favorite Motivational Quotes:

I often use these when I’m physically or emotionally stuck. (Most recently they have come in handy for my weight-loss and workout efforts).

“Ninety percent of the game is half mental.” -Yogi Berra

“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you’ll find an excuse.” –Unknown author

“Pain is temporary; pride is forever.” –Unknown author

“Being defeated is often a temporary condition. Giving up is what makes it permanent.” -Marilyn vos Savant


Miss Riki’s Favorite Quotes on Faith:

Who couldn’t use a little more faith in their lives?

“Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” -Mother Teresa

“Fear knocked at the door.  Faith answered.  And lo, no one was there.” -Author Unknown

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.


Miss Riki’s All-Time Favorite Quote on Creativity:

“Let yourself sound crazy. Lie. Blow up your feeling. Make it enormous the way we do when we’re hysterical, ecstatic or in the middle of a tantrum, a love affair or a panic attack. You might be amazed at what comes out of you.” – Susan G. Wooldridge (from her book Poemcrazy)


Do you have a favorite quote or motto that lifts your spirits, brings you joy, or motivates you? I’m looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

I Support Mental Illness Awareness Week

In 1990 U.S. Congress established the first week of October as Mental Illness Awareness Week (MIAW) in recognition of the National Alliance on Mental Illness’ efforts to raise awareness for mental illness. This year between October 2nd through the 8th, people from all over will stand together to bring a collective consciousness to this issue that is often misunderstood.

MIAW is especially important this year as severe budget cuts threaten mental health services in many communities around the country. People who do not receive treatment often end up in hospitals, shelters, in jail, or even dead. Most importantly, this is a week where we fight stigma for serious mental illnesses such as major depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

This is a cause that is very close to my heart because I have been diagnosed and living with bipolar disorder for nearly thirteen years. Everyone experiences their mental illness in a different way, and mine has had its bumpy moments, peppered by even harsher moments, and then thankfully capped by growth. I do know that I am among the lucky ones who have an incredible support system. I have always had ample health insurance and the financial means to pay those premiums. I have a loving family with endless patience in helping me heal when things take their down turns, and I am blessed with friends who have made me a part of their lives even when I am a less than desirable companion. I understand that not everyone is fortunate enough to have this kind of endless support. This is my opportunity to stand up and remind people that everyone deserves the kind of backing I have had in my life.

I read somewhere today that the only reason that people like me support Mental Illness Awareness Week is to drum up sympathy for myself, since I am clearly one part of the 25% of people who have a diagnosable mental disorder who are considered the “worried-well.” This phrase displeases me in the worst way. Anyone who has ever experienced a bout of depression so awful that they contemplate no longer living at all understands all too well the “worry.” Those of us who manage to come out of it a little better and tell our story are not any more “well.” To undermine the cycle of pain and recovery by using the demeaning moniker is a disservice to everyone. We are not the “worried-well.” We are the survivors. We have seen hell and have returned to life. We know pain yet live with the faith that things will get better, and I am living proof.

I am proof that treatment works. Drug therapies work, and talk therapy works. Together, they have saved my life. The thought that there are people out there who do not have access to these necessities is deplorable to me. The idea that communities are cutting the necessary funding to maintain basic mental health care is unacceptable.

I have been unfortunate enough to experience the ultimate price of mental illness, and that is the loss of life by suicide. I lost my younger brother at the age of eighteen when he took his own life. I will spend the rest of my life fighting for the opportunity to stop just one person from ever leaving the world in that way again; to stop just one family from feeling the pain of loss that we felt when we lost my brother.

Am I attempting to drum up sympathy for myself?  Not at all. I don’t want your sympathy. I want your support. I want you to stand beside me and say enough is enough. Do the thousands of seriously mentally ill people locked up in jail or in a psychiatric ward of a hospital deserve our utmost support? Yes they do, but so do the so-called “worried-well” who very well could be two moments away from being there themselves. If you know anything about mental illness at all, you know that things can change in an instant.

So, take my hand and stand up with me this week in supporting Mental Health Awareness Week. Visit the National Alliance on Mental Illness ( to see how you can help. Together we will make it better. Lives depend on it.

Today is Name Your Car Day!

October 2nd  is Name Your Car Day!

Have you christened your car or truck with a name? Every vehicle has its own character and story and has the potential for a unique moniker. This post is dedicated to my own little girl, Mrs. Miagi. She is a silver 1998 Honda Civic hatchback that has been with me through it all. She was my first car outside of a shared family vehicle I drove when I first started out and I am as in love with her today as I was the day we drove brand-new off the lot thirteen years ago. I know, I know. She’s a car. There’s absolutely no need to wax poetic over a hunk of metal, but why not?

If you haven’t already given your set of wheels a name, why not do so today on October 2nd to celebrate Name Your Car Day? You can start with what gender your automobile represents. My little hatchback was clearly an adorable, petite female. (She is also always reliable, which obviously makes her a woman).  Your monster 4X4 truck may call for a more masculine title. Then you can get creative.

Some people know the name of their car upon first sight, while some prefer to spend time with their wheels to find the perfect name. Do you have a sleek black Knight Rider? Or do you own a sweet, adorable Herbie? Heck, you might be channeling your inner Austin Powers and own a full-on Shaguar. Only you can choose the perfect name. If you are having some trouble naming your own vehicle, a quick web search found this clever name generator at ( Just fill in the requested fields and you can generate your car’s very own name and Birth Certificate!  

I’m looking forward to hearing what names you have bestowed upon your wheels. Drop me a comment and let me know!

Happy Name Your Car Day, Mrs. Miagi!

My Love-Hate Relationship with the Snooze Button


And so it goes. Every morning for me is a battle with the alarm and its temptress, the button labeled Snooze. According to an impromptu poll of my beloved Facebook friends, I am not the only one conflicted. I posed the question, “I need your thoughts on the “SNOOZE” button. Love, hate, addicted?(I am using initials only to protect their identities. I’d like to keep them as friends, after all!)

 “I love the snooze button. I set the alarm 9 minutes before I have to be up so I can hit the snooze button twice. LOL!” –K.S. (Riki’s Response: This is one of my favorite people, and you can see why. We share the same views on almost everything- Snooze included).

“It’s a love hate relationship.” –K.W. (Riki’s Response: I feel you, K.W.)

“Oh yes…the snooze button. It depends on the day. If he has tennis or we have that ungodly early meeting then NO. But otherwise? Well we do have the clock on for 5:15 because I don’t want to rush out of the house…. this allows us time to have coffee and read the news, walk the dogs… much more civilized… and I don’t have to be friendly right out of bed…. ease into it.” –D.L. (Riki’s Response: This was a much-too-healthy relationship to the Snooze button for me, but was worthy of mention anyway. This friend later followed up with the qualifier: “Sometimes its f$#@*k the world and snooze twice!” Redeemed.)

“Hi Riki, my name is **** and I am a Snooze Button Addict as well. I can give it up any time I want, though. I swear I can.” –M.H. (Riki’s Response: It’s okay, M.H. I won’t give you up. Nothing you confess leaves this room. I promise).

“I set 3 alarms and snooze them all repeatedly!!!!!!” –A.B. (Riki’s Response: Another one of my favorite people on earth. This friend represents my current Snooze style).

“I love it because it represents a dream-like state that almost exists outside of the impending doom that is the work-day. Funny thing about my snooze experience is how odd the word “snooze” looks every morning. Such a strange word.” –M.V. (Riki’s Response: This friend is quite wordy. That’s why I love them).

“Well considering that I’m up this late, I’ll definitely be using the snooze button tomorrow. Actually I’ve embraced the snooze. I set my alarm for much earlier than what I need so that I have enough time to actually use it and it helps me wake up.” –B.L. (Riki’s Response: This was posted at 12:24 a.m. on a Tuesday morning. I like this friend’s take on healthy snoozing). 

“I hate the snooze button. I like to sleep until the last possible second. [My husband] on the other hand uses the snooze for 30 minutes. I HATE IT!! grr :-)” –J.D. (Riki’s Response: It’s a good thing I am not married to J.D.)

“I snooze for 45 minutes every morning. Fortunately [my boyfriend] does not mind.” –G.M. (Riki’s Response: This couple is about to be married. I’m glad they have an understanding about the Snooze habit).

The snooze button rarely gives you the extra sleep you really need. Going to bed earlier and not drinking caffeine after 5 PM are still the best for you. :-)” –F.N.T.B.N. (Riki’s Response: The initials here stand for “Friend Not To Be Named” since they are one of those people I stay friends with in order to limit drama but wish I could just “unfriend.” This holier-than-thou advice is one of the reasons why. Don’t judge- you have them too).

I did a little Internet research to find out if hitting the Snooze button was really all that bad for you, or if it might even be beneficial. The resounding answer from most experts is that it is a lousy way to wake up your body. Hitting the Snooze button actually disrupts and fragments the ever-important early morning REM sleep that your body needs to properly recharge. This repeated behavior can cause irritability, mood swings, sleepiness, and headaches.  If I think about it, that logical answer makes perfect sense. Why interrupt my most valuable hours of beauty rest by interrupting it every nine minutes?  Why? It is a damned hard habit to break. That’s why.

So, I also used my friend the Internet to find some solutions to help break my habit. Here are a few well-intentioned suggestions:

  1. Go to bed 15 minutes earlier every night and reset your sleep schedule gradually.
  2. Get up at the same time every morning, regardless of when you went to bed.
  3. Put your alarm clock across the room. (NOTE: This is not a deterrent for me. I simply get up, sleepwalk across the room, hit the damned Snooze button, and fling myself back into the bed).
  4. Set your alarm to a time when you are already a bit behind so that hitting Snooze is not an option.
  5. Buy an alarm with no snooze button. (NOTE: Where does one find such an evil contraption, anyway?)

Perhaps just having a reason that excites me enough to rise and shine might help me quit the habit. I’ll try to employ some of these ideas, but also ask for your input. What techniques do you utilize for getting up without wearing out the Snooze button?

The Ultimate Blog Challenge

How has it already become October of this very swiftly moving year of 2011? All of a sudden there’s only three months left in the year to reach all of the goals I set out to accomplish, and let’s face it- those goals have been significantly derailed as of late. (More on that in a later “self-indulgent post about Riki” that you know you love).

Although life has careened out of my control and onto a path not of my choosing, I am always in control a few things, and for the month of October I have decided that I will take charge of my creative output. I am currently enrolled full-time in school and sometimes allow my scholastic endeavors (okay- and my network television and Sports Center addiction) to get in the way of my more creative accomplishments. Thanks to Michelle Schaeffer (visit her at and the Ultimate Blog Challenge (, I have the perfect opportunity to do this using my blog as a vehicle for all of this so-called ingenuity.

This is not the first time I have signed up for this challenge, but it will be the first time that I have ever completed it. Yes, that’s an awfully bold statement, but I’m finding lately that the only way to be held accountable for my actions is to make those bold statements. They must be made out loud, and in writing. Not for anyone else’s benefit, but for my own. I have no reasons to not be successful. This is a wonderful opportunity to reach a goal with a wonderful community of bloggers behind me, and I am taking it.

The challenge is to post one blog post per day every day in the month of October. Will I miss a day? The Magic 8 Ball says “It is likely.” Will I try my best to come up with interesting content worthy of my reader’s valuable attention? Absolutely. In the past I have gone into the challenge willy-nilly with the idea that I will just sit down every day and write an intriguing post. Who was I kidding? This kind of endeavor takes planning! So, planning is what I have done. I have my trusty notebook with each day planned out with ideas. Some posts are already written; some are outlined and ready for development. I am ready!

I did consider having this introductory post as my first on the first day of October, but I have posted it in advance in hopes that I will inspire some of you to join me in this challenge. Maybe you won’t be blogging with me, but maybe it is your day to start a 31-day challenge of your own. Maybe it will be the “31 Days of Meditation Challenge,” or the “No Soda Pop Challenge of October.” Whatever you decide to make better in these next 31 days, I hope that you share your thoughts and successes with me here!

So, off we go on this October 2011 adventure! I hope you enjoy the journey!

For My Big, Little Brother

At this 8:00 evening hour on World Suicide Prevention Day, I light this candle for my little brother, Kevin.

“There isn’t enough darkness in all the world to snuff out the light of one little candle.”   -Robert Alden.

You are missed, and God knows you are loved.

Thank you to everyone who stopped a moment to read my blog, or to “Like” a suicide prevention page on Facebook, or hashtag #NSPW on Twitter. Thank you to those of you who went a step further and commented or shared your story with me. Thank you finally, to those of you who to yet one more step out of your comfort zone and saved a life in your way. Thanks to each and every one of you, this week we made a difference in someone’s life. Someone knows that they are not alone in this struggle.

Moving on to next week and beyond I will be back to posting the funny and the mundane in this space, but I hope that this feeling of community lingers much longer.

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