Forward Thinking

It’s time. I have run out of excuses for not posting to my blog, and this is my chance to find redemption in my own mind. I would have liked to have participated in the Ultimate Blog Challenge that began on July 1st, with the goal of posting on my blog once every day for the entire month of July, but even without a summer class keeping me busy, I just could not make the commitment. To those of you who are posting each day- I am following you and encouraging you along your journey! For me, the goal will be less lofty. I will attempt to post one a week.

My initial idea when starting to blog was to write about my experiences with bipolar disorder. I have thirteen years of stories to tell and feelings to share that I know will help someone, somewhere to cope with their own illness. The problem I’m having is that I’m incredibly stable right now, and going down that path of memory is just too painful. I know that someone out there needs to hear what has happened to me so that they know they are not alone, but I just cannot bring myself to dwell on the past right now.

I’m in a forward-thinking frame of mind. I have goals lined up by the dozens and self-improvement on the brain. Right now I need to focus on these dreams and goals that are keeping me up at night with pure anticipation. Maybe this is my time to use my blogging space to support myself. There will be plenty of time in the future to share the past. Perhaps I’ll even sprinkle in a memory or two along the way.

I’m out of excuses. School is out for the summer and I have just about a month of freedom with which to do work on my life. I may lose readers who are looking for different content, but I’m hoping to gain a few who might like to journey along with me where I am now.


Let’s do this.