Today is Name Your Car Day!

October 2nd  is Name Your Car Day!

Have you christened your car or truck with a name? Every vehicle has its own character and story and has the potential for a unique moniker. This post is dedicated to my own little girl, Mrs. Miagi. She is a silver 1998 Honda Civic hatchback that has been with me through it all. She was my first car outside of a shared family vehicle I drove when I first started out and I am as in love with her today as I was the day we drove brand-new off the lot thirteen years ago. I know, I know. She’s a car. There’s absolutely no need to wax poetic over a hunk of metal, but why not?

If you haven’t already given your set of wheels a name, why not do so today on October 2nd to celebrate Name Your Car Day? You can start with what gender your automobile represents. My little hatchback was clearly an adorable, petite female. (She is also always reliable, which obviously makes her a woman).  Your monster 4X4 truck may call for a more masculine title. Then you can get creative.

Some people know the name of their car upon first sight, while some prefer to spend time with their wheels to find the perfect name. Do you have a sleek black Knight Rider? Or do you own a sweet, adorable Herbie? Heck, you might be channeling your inner Austin Powers and own a full-on Shaguar. Only you can choose the perfect name. If you are having some trouble naming your own vehicle, a quick web search found this clever name generator at ( Just fill in the requested fields and you can generate your car’s very own name and Birth Certificate!  

I’m looking forward to hearing what names you have bestowed upon your wheels. Drop me a comment and let me know!

Happy Name Your Car Day, Mrs. Miagi!

The Best Compliment I Have Ever Received

This is just a short post recalling a past memory that made me smile. Enjoy!

In my former university job, one of my daily duties was to unlock our department office space in the building next door, which happened to also house the Disability Resource Center on campus. One average morning I received the best compliment I have ever received.

As I’m walking down the hall, an obviously blind gentleman (with an official guide cane and all) says to me, “My, don’t you look pretty in pink today!”

I happened to indeed be wearing a lot of pink that day, but was clearly stunned that this obviously blind man would know that. He is laughing and smiling as I ponder how this phenomenon is so.

After letting me wonder a while, he finally says to me, “I know you look pretty in pink today because he told me so.” He then points his guide cane at another laughing man farther down the hallway.

Thank you to you both for the best pick-me-up ever!

SWF Seeks CAP (Competent Adult Psychiatrist)

Single White Female seeks Competent Adult Psychiatrist. (Those not covered by my insurance or who have leather couches smelling of mothballs and insanity need not apply).

Seeking out a new psychiatrist is never easy. The psychiatrist-patient relationship is the most sacred and intimate one I know of outside of the bedroom. (And don’t get me wrong, it should stay that way. If it’s not…then you have real problems).  It has recently become time for me to seek new representation, for lack of a better way of saying it, and I set about my arduous journey methodically.

I started in the most logical place- my insurance company. After all, if the provider isn’t covered, I cannot afford the care and it becomes a moot point, right? So, off I go to the website of the insurance carrier that the state of Arizona has chosen to represent its employees in sickness (you may do your own research if you need names) and sought names and addresses of qualified clinicians. The website seemed pretty straightforward and produced an impressive 22 names.

I’ll spare you the three weeks of calls and call backs and cut to the chase. Out of 22 names, only seven were actually currently practicing psychiatry and accepting new patients. The rest were a hodgepodge of out-of-practice shrinks or family physicians that do not actually see mentally uneasy patients.

Out of the remaining seven, I actually got an appointment in the near enough future to make it feasible and booked a morning meeting. Dr. Freeman (names have been changed to protect the totally inept) welcomed me with a cool handshake and a “Nice to meet you Mrs. Cleveland.” We entered his very bare and antiseptic office and he sat on his left leg like a child before putting on his serious doctor face.

The next hour and a half- yes, ninety minutes- was like pulling teeth. He asked me to “please construct my illness from diagnosis to present, including all medications taken and reaction to them.” Um…well…seriously?

I was diagnosed at nineteen years old (if you do the math that’s fourteen very long years ago) in a manic state, followed by a lot of medication tweaking. That alone isn’t truly conducive to remembering medications with unrecognizable names and their dosages, much less how I reacted to each of them. That was swiftly followed by losing my only brother to suicide, which resulted in being drugged up even more, then a series of ECT treatments, which (please forgive me if I’m wrong-you are the professional here, right?) result in memory loss as well.

He mentioned over and over again to “Mrs. Cleveland” (although we clearly covered in my history that I am not married, not ever have been) that he is unable to help me if he does not know everything about my past treatments. I dutifully offered to get him my full records from previous doctors, but that suggestion was met with clear disdain, and it was very carefully explained to me that other doctors simply do not take the kind of detailed, careful (ahem- anal) notes that he does, and he “rarely finds them helpful in any way.”

Well, then. How did I ever find myself so lucky as to have landed my bipolar ass in the only competent psychiatrist’s office with no carefully detailed personally taken records on me? Dr. Freeman couldn’t believe it either.

After a long silence and some heavy sighing (on his part- not mine), he got right to the point. “Well, Mrs. Cleveland, I am not sure how you came to be sitting in my office today, since my specialty is child psychiatry.”

Whoa! Back the tuck up here! A CHILD psychiatrist? Of the many thoughts that flooded my brain, three stood out to me. First of all, why the hell did my insurance company send me to a clinician who does not treat adults? Second, why the hell did he wait until after that agonizing ninety minutes to reveal his “specialty” to me, when I clearly walked in the door as a 5’6” woman with no parental escort? Third, and most importantly to me, if this man was so clearly unpleasant and unbearable to a grown woman in charge of her own care, how in God’s name did he relate to children?

In the end I took away some good from the craziness. Yes, I was unbelievably frustrated to have taken time out of my life to indulge this man in his sadistic patient history techniques. However, he did make a very good point. It is very important for me to go back in any notes I may have from my experiences (most likely in the form of personal diaries and journals) and gather all the details of my reactions to medications tried in the past I can. He was probably right in that doctors have different styles and practices that may not translate well to another. The best way for me to take control of my care is to be my own advocate. Thank you, Dr. Freeman. Point taken.

Secondly, I did walk out with a referral to another doctor who actually specializes in adult psychiatry that happened to be covered by my insurance. According to Dr. Freeman, they have similar styles and expect a lot of background information from their patients, but somehow I feel more prepared to enter into my next appointment armed with as much personal documentation as I can dig up. I am quite serious when I say that I took away the importance of being my own advocate.

Looking back on the experience, I do feel as though I should have been sent to “time out” in the corner with a dunce cap while being told “bad patient!” Dr. Freeman may specialize in children’s issues, but it is clearly because he has no earthly clue how to relate to an adult. I can only hope that he is an entirely different professional when someone underage walks in the door.

“The Precocious B@&#%”

Just the other morning the strangest thing happened on the city bus. I take the 541 Express downtown to work every morning and get on at one of the first stops when the bus is nearly empty. On this particular day I step on and sit in an empty seat as usual. I pop in my ear buds for some morning pick-me-up tunes and open a trashy fashion magazine. Needless to say I am happy as can be for 6:15 in the morning.

At the very next stop a block or so away a few people sleepily climb onto the bus. I don’t pay much attention to any of them until one plops down in the empty seat next to me. Now, this doesn’t seem like it would be any big deal considering it is a public city bus, but seriously? The entire bus is nearly empty, and you’d prefer to practically sit on my lap in that particular seat? Well, alright then. I smile at her warily and decide not to care.

The not-caring thing lasts about three minutes during which this woman pulls out a black washcloth- not a dainty little hankie or a tissue, but a full on bathroom wash cloth- and starts to mop her face and neck. As little droplets of her sweat plop onto my arms into the seat next to her, she also begins to cough. Again, not a dainty little throat clearing, but a total I-may-die-of-tuberculosis-in-the-next-fifteen-minutes cough. As she rattles on with her coughing and sweat mopping, I weigh my options.

Option one is to sit there quietly and pretend that I might not be catching a deadly disease at that very moment. This would be the nicest option for my seat-mate, but not the wisest for my well-being.

Option two is to get the hell away from her before she keels over on my lap and I end up having to make a statement on television. My sense of survival takes over, and at the last stop before the freeway I quietly and without any fanfare get up and move to a seat away from her.

I’m starting to feel relieved and comfortable as the bus picks up speed and gets going on its way when the woman starts to rummage around in her enormous bag for her cell phone. I’m still only partially paying attention as she dials and starts talking. All of a sudden the questionably ill woman turns around in her seat to face me and begins bellowing into her cell phone.

She says, “And then this PRECOCIOUS BITCH decides she’s too good to sit next to me and moves to another seat!”

All eyes in our area the bus turn to look at me as I sit open-mouthed and gaping at her in total shock. The man next to me starts to laugh under his breath and people enjoy the moment for a bit before the woman turns back around in her seat and continues her conversation at a more appropriate volume.

I spent the rest of the bus ride downtown feeling bad for this woman and thinking that I might have truly offended her. I go over and over my actions in my mind. Did my face give away the total lack of disgust I was feeling? Could I possibly have handled the situation in a different way?

I get off the bus awkwardly trying not to look at the woman as I pass her and hit the pavement still ruminating when my mind starts to change in a different direction. Really? If you are so sick that you are sweating buckets onto the poor soul next to you on the bus, can you really blame them for moving to less contaminated and drier ground? Um…no, you cannot. I did the right thing for my health and comfort and no longer feel bad for the woman in any way.

Now I get on the bus in the morning and see the man who laughed that day and he says to me, “Hey, PB. How’s it going?” I do not know his name, and he does not know mine. Between us I am the “Precocious Bitch from Express Bus 541.”

My First Published Piece of Writing

Just for fun…I came across this poem that I won a contest for in the seventh grade at Pueblo Middle School. It was my first official publication, found in “A Celebration of Writing-A Poetry Collection.” Enjoy!

Writer’s Block
I always want to write,
honestly I do,
I just never know what to write about,
so I’ll just say to you:
Here’s my list of subjects,
that I could never use,
For reasons you wouldn’t understand,
If you knew you’d blow a fuse!
     Band was too boring,
     Shawna was too fun.
     I don’t like my brother,
     so I wrote one on a nun.
     That was too much trouble,
     I am quite sorry to say.
     I could write one ’bout tomorrow,
     or how ’bout today?
My sister didn’t want her name,
published in a book.
So I wrote one all about,
ole’ Captain Hook.
Understand I am not Shakespeare,
or Edgar Allen Poe.
I can’t even write a poem,
about my Grandpa Joe.
My brother used to throw up,
every time he saw a girl,
Now he likes that cute red-head,
with those bouncy curls!
My mother says I’m talented,
at writing the stuff I do,
but I never know what to write about,
Yes, I never have a clue.
So, here I am again
trying to write a poem,
Nothing’s coming to mind,
so off I’ll go to find
A subject that’s intelligent,
And nothing of her kind.
               Hey, I know!
               How ‘bout a garden hose?
                              ……Nah, too boring!
Riki Cleveland
Seventh Grade
Pueblo Middle School